Don't feel good when picking stocks. After buying a bunch of stocks, the position of each stock is just a scratch. Even if you see it right, you can't make a lot of money if it rises sharply.At the late stage of investment, when your understanding of investment and the logic of stock market operation are very clear, you will take the initiative if you are few but fine, and you no longer need to forcibly control your behavior. At that time, you will naturally choose only those pearls in the crown.In the stock market, many people have greedy ideas. Especially, when their investment logic is not particularly clear, many stocks will be bought if they are grasped correctly. Buying and buying, I found that my position was full, but a single stock only had a little position.
The logic of profiteering is less but better.Think about it, at that time, you can get rid of the same workplace as cattle and horses, and get rid of the infinite complexity of life. You don't have to bow to anyone, you don't have to smile, and you can travel around the world and do anything you want with a mobile phone.If you are wrong, because your position is small and the loss of a single stock is relatively small, it is easy for you to cut your meat, because you don't feel bad, but if many stocks cut their meat like this, it will be a lot of money, and it will be a big loss.
In the early stage of investment, few but fine are passive and need your control. Although you don't know what's right yet, you already know what's wrong, so it will be hard to control your behavior with willpower, which is certain and insurmountable.At the late stage of investment, when your understanding of investment and the logic of stock market operation are very clear, you will take the initiative if you are few but fine, and you no longer need to forcibly control your behavior. At that time, you will naturally choose only those pearls in the crown.For this great goal, keep fighting.
Strategy guide
Strategy guide